Sunday, August 16, 2015

Chickens Free Therapy and Life Lessons

Raising chickens was the best decision we ever made for our family. We have had so much fun together and laugh daily at the funny things they do and watching each of their little personalities. I could sit and watch them for hours myself and have been known to do that. When I go outside they follow me around and walk with me and if I sit down they sit around me. 

I have always been an animal lover and my daughter Brianna got the love gene as well. She has devoted a lot of time and effort in raising them and they get LOTS of love from her. When she puts them to bed at night she taps each one on their heads as a kiss and counts them twice to make sure they are all there. She can bring in a huge basket of eggs and tell you which one each hen has laid which is pretty awesome with 19 different chickens.

I am a huge believer that animals give great therapy to many children who on a daily basis deal with many different types of challenges. Brianna has Asperger's and raising these chickens has taken her to a new level of growth, confidence and happiness. Brianna is truly in her happy place when she is with her flock. 

Brianna also has Anxiety and when it starts to come on she uses her Jeddy's Blend and heads out to sit with the chickens and they take care of the rest. It is amazing to watch their interaction. 

The year before we got our chickens Brianna was really struggling with very low confidence, anxiety, didn't want to go to school, wouldn't make friends and spent a lot of time alone especially at school. It was very heartbreaking to watch as a parent. 

Last Spring we got our first set of baby chicks which she claimed as her own and has taken care of them since. We have added more and even some incubated ones. She reads chicken books and learns as much as she can and works hard cleaning out the coops and learning what medical needs they have and helps treat one if they need it. 

Here she has treated Bumblefoot, treated her with Camp Wanders Healing Salve and changed her bandages for several days. By the way every household should have CW Healing Salve in the home for your family as well. 

Having children raise these chicks as babies creates a bond between them and teaches the child how important their responsibility is and how much their feathered friend rely on them. When the Rooster gets mean she catches him and carries him around so he knows who's boss. She is becoming tough as nails and not afraid. 

We couldn't get Brianna to be in pictures before or if we did she wouldn't smile. Now she is full of big smiles whenever I want to take a picture. Part of life is having to deal with loss and losing her two favorite chickens was VERY difficult for her but got through it and learned another life lesson and to appreciate those you love while you have them. 

Raising these chickens has taught Brianna how to work and earn money. It is so rewarding to see her standing outside holding up a sign selling her eggs. This is a much more confident girl. She is currently earning money to buy two goats which she is really excited about. 

  Brianna has found a special relationship with these chickens and continues to learn daily from them. They really have been much more than a food provider but an important part of her life that has brought her a true happiness and she is a different girl than she was before. I love our chickens even more for that. 

You don't need an acre or lots of property to have chickens. There are a lot of people who have chickens in the city just make sure you check with your city on the regulations. You don't have to have a big flock either, some even just have two. 

Chickens are amazing and I highly recommend them and they don't only help children grow but adults love them too! They are a healthy therapy and certainly a lot cheaper!

Follow Roos and Hens of Facebook and Instagram under Roos and Hens for more daily pictures and tips. 

It is important to remember to always have supervision with smaller children and not leave them unattended! They can unintentionally hurt the chicken or the chicken could hurt them especially if you have a Roo that isn't so nice. 

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